Saturday, 26 September 2015

Not a Kickstarter

With all the excitement of the Warpath kickstarter, don't miss the Nickstarter for the first Frostgrave supplement, Thaw of the Lich Lord.

The release covers a softback book detailing new ways to use wizards for those who are corrupted by the Lich Lord, new monsters and a multi game campaign.  There are also more metal miniatures and a box of 20 plastic cultists to complement the soldiers released previously.  I can think of loads of uses for cultist types, and there are even heads and arms to make undead versions!

Unlike a true kickstarter, the product is already funded, though extra stuff will be added as more money is collected.  I am particularly interested in the packs of spell cards that are being produced, I have used unofficial versions of these and they speed play up considerably.


  1. I think I may end up buying some of those cultists at retail as Abyssal allies for my Undead Army :)

  2. Well the retail price should be about the same as on the Nickstarter, but more money goes to the creator if you order direct.
    I can see so many uses for the cultists; D&D opponents, Empire of the Dead, Strange Aeons, etc.


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