Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Goblin Sharpsticks 5; Arms and Armour

Next stage is the bulk of the metal.  For these chaps that's armour, shield and spear-tip.
They don't wear much armour, and it tends to be a bit crude, but they are only goblins after all.

Crooknose shows off his new armour

Crooknose, our volunteer goblin, doesn't wear much armour compared to some of his brothers.  He will probably have leather armour to help protect him.

The metal is an old pot of Miniature Paints Chainmail, still good after many years.  The Sharpsticks are a quick paint job, otherwise I would make more use of drybrushing, and use different shades of silver and steel.  I will add some detail in bronze or brass to give a bit more character to the armour, and the face of the shields will be painted with some form of livery, probably based on that used by the Fleabag Riders.

In terms of how long this took, Great British Bake-Off was on in the background, so slightly less than an hour to complete the metal sections (and I now have a craving for jelly!)


  1. Crooknose and his pals are coming along nicely.I also have a still useable pot of miniature paints Chainmail.
    I had a vanilla slice after the Bake Off programme!

  2. Mmm Vanilla Slice..

    Thanks for the kind comments, they goblins are progressing nicely, though the difficult bit is coming up, what colour to paint 'stuff', (more on that in the relevant posts).
    Of course, this is only half the unit, and I still have to make a base.

  3. Mmmn - tinned Gobbo meat (thinks my Undead) ;)


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