Sunday, 7 July 2024

Four A Miniatures Towerhead

Earlier this year I received an awesome mini.

He is (they are) Tower head, and how I came to own him is quite a tale.

"So You Ask Me For a Tale of the Acquisition of Miniatures?"
When I was painting the Marauder Goblin Wolf Riders (you can see the finished minis here), there were a couple of bits that I wasn't sure if they were fur or tattered mail, so I searched online for images.
I found Blues Marauding Miniatures and blitzed it from the beginning. A fascinating read, with inspirational painting and some great ideas. The ethos is very much one of collecting what works rather than sticking slavishly to one range or manufacturer. To this end there is mention of several companies producing 'new old school', and I'm always interested to find out about miniature manufacturers who are still producing Old School stuff.

One picture in particular really caught my attention, the Towerhead Chaos Dwarf sculpted by John Pickford and produced by Four A Miniatures. Alas, the links to Four A were dead, so I sighed and moved on.
Then, very recently, there was mention of the Four A range in one of the Oldhammer Facebook groups, and that they were available new on eBay. When I was asked for birthday present suggestions by my daughter and son-in-law, Towerhead was top of the list.

I really like this mini. It harks back to the original Chaos Dwarves before they got fangs and big hats. But more than that, I can see echoes of the film Labyrinth (forty years old!) with Bryan Froud's various wonderful fey creatures. There is a character who argues with it's hat, and I can see these two acting just the same.

If you like the look of Towerhead, he's available here. Follow the link and you'll find more John Pickford Chaos Dwarves and some delightful Kev Adams Goblins.

When I got him (them) he immediately doubled my existing Chaos Dwarf collection. I still have a battered 'Spikes Harvey Wotan' from the White Dwarf mini game 'The Crude, The Mad and The Rusty'. I've since added a pack of Old School Miniatures Ewal Dwergar, also sculpted by John Pickford. They'll get a review post of their own soon.

Future Planning 
I'm looking forward to painting Towerhead, though the amount of detail is a little intimidating. I think I'll go down the enamelled metal route, but I'll use my Ewal Dwergar to experiment.
Once I reach a convenient pause in the orcs of course.


  1. You've got to get this superb mini painted! I'll look forward to seeing it done :)

    1. Thanks, yes, he's a bit intimidating, but I'll get on to it soon.


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