Saturday, 13 July 2024

Old School Miniatures Ewal Dwergar

My recent order to Old School Miniatures included a pack of their Ewal Dwergar. They are very reminiscent of the original Chaos Dwarves, not the more modern Big Hat ones.
They are sculpted by John Pickford, the same chap who did Towerhead, and fit right in with him, though he does tower head and shoulders (and hat) above them.

The pack includes eight bodies, two each of four different sculpts, eight different hand weapons, two left arms, ten different heads and eight plain round shields.

Quality of sculpting and casting is first rate, they look like they will be a joy to paint. I've seen some lovely painted examples on Blues Marauding Miniatures
As with the chariot, the price is very affordable (currently £18 for the pack of eight). I'm tempted to get a few more packs to build up a small Chaos Dwarf force, perhaps allies of my various orc tribes. All led by Towerhead of course.

Old School Miniatures do quite a range of Ewal Dwergar, including characters, civilians, command, crossbows, handguns, great weapons and cavalry in the form of boar riders (the source of the extra boars I got for the chariot) and boar centaurs. There's even artillery, and an entertaining version of the fabled 'ass cannon'.

Features such as wings, a goat leg or the occasional extra head were common in the original Citadel sculpts, but these are Ewal Dwergar, not Chaos Dwarves. It should be relatively easy to add a greenstuff tentacle or two, should I wish.  Regardless, they are not going to be mistaken for good dwarves.


  1. Dwergar are not really my thing but those ones are nicely sculpted.

    1. Yes, crisp, clean sculpts and casting, lovely minis.
      You might see them on the tabletop eventually

  2. They look great!

    1. They are lovely minis.
      I'm wondering about 'Chaos-ing' some of them up a bit, but I'm looking forward to getting them painted


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