Wednesday, 22 May 2024

What Shall We Do With A Headless Orc*

When I showed the second lot of Fantasy Regiments orcs I mentioned that I had one more, but that he was damaged. I said that I had some ideas, so here are my thoughts.

Option 1

Merijn has very kindly offered to search his bits box for a spare head, which would solve that problem. There's still the issue of the back.

Option 2
I wondered about sculpting a cloak out of milliput or green stuff, which should be fairly easy. But I think, given how similar the rest of the rank and file are, it would look odd.

Option 3
I also wondered about slinging history shield on his back, thus covering the damage. But why is he doing this, and why does he have his left fist raised? (Actually, that's easy, he's probably about to punch someone).
Then I realised that the left hand could be holding something else. Although it's next to the body, a staff would nicely fit.

So I'm suggesting a standard. To make him as different as possible I can give him a spare head from one of the newer orc kits and probably change his weapon blade too. The standard pole will be brass rod, and I found a nice topper amongst some odd bits left over from the Battle of Skull Pass starter set (just the Bad Moon, not the skulls and mushrooms).

So that's my thoughts. If you've any other suggestions, or you feel that any one option is miles better than the others, please leave a comment.

You can see what I did here.

*"Earlie in the morning"


  1. Never miss a chance to add another banner I say. Although you could perhaps use the decapitated head cluster from the Previous Space Ork sprue (I think). Cut uff the 'knot' keeping the heads together at the top and glue the rest tot the bottom of the fist.

    1. Can't have too many banners. I have been looking for one of the original metal standards, but they don't really look like the plastic minis anyway.

    2. The severed heads idea is cool though

  2. lol I was gonna suggest putting a Brian Nelson orc head on a classic fantasy regiment orc body, I did that and looks kinda cool.
    shield on the back looks good.

    1. Thanks. I've several spare heads like the ones in the picture.
      I think the shield on the back is the way to go.

  3. Another banner is always good Perhaps from a defeated foe

    1. I do have a few ideas for standards. As with the shields, I'd like to reflect the units' past victories.

  4. I think he'll look great as a standard bearer and adding a shield to his back would make him fit in with the rest of the ladz.

    1. Thanks, standard bearer does seem to be a popular option


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

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