Saturday, 11 May 2024

Artefacts From My Gaming Past 6

Another couple of finds that reflect my hobby past. These came out of an old Filofax (remember those?) from 1989.

Something Wicked This Way Comes was my local games shop. I first popped in very soon after it opened, I'd guess around 1985 or so? They sold model railway stuff (the owner ran a model rail accessory company, Knightwing) plastic kits and roleplaying and wargames stuff. With the rise of Games Workshop those products began to dominate, but they always stocked other manufacturers as well, and I regularly bought Grenadier minis from them. More recently they stocked Ral Partha Europe ranges. I spent many a lunch hour chatting to the staff, and became good friends with some of them. Indeed, this is where I met T'Other One.
The only real lack at the shop was a gaming table to demonstrate games to potential customers.
Sadly the shop closed down a few years ago, although other games shops have opened up in the area. 

My association with the KMM&GS goes back even further, to the seventies. I joined in 1978, shortly after starting sixth form. One of the wargamers at the college showed us this amazing game he'd tried at the club. The game was, of course Dungeons and Dragons, and I was hooked before even joining the club.
The club produced some well known names in gaming history, especially connected to TSR UK and Games Workshop. But to me it will always be a place where me and my slightly odd friends fitted in.

So here's to you if any of this is familiar, and please, leave a comment with your reminiscences.

If not, I hope you too have happy hobby memories wherever and whenever they are from.


  1. thats really neat, such a cool read.
    i wish i had photos from the old days when i first started gaming, like the old LGS we gamed at or even pics of my first
    Games Day/Baltimore in 1998.
    those were the good times.

    1. It's largely accidental that I still have these, but I'm very glad I kept them.


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