Monday, 27 May 2024

Board Game Night - ERA and Top Dog

The MEGAforce played another game of ERA Medieval Age the other evening.
As always, it was great fun.  I thought folks might like to see what the boards looked like at the end of the game.

T'Other One's winning burg. A large walled town which he initially filled with low value housing before adding higher status builds. By the end of the game he had an impressive eleven dice 

My second place  culture rich town. That's a university, a monastery and three churches! Small but (nearly) perfectly formed. I added two of the churches in the final turn and never got to roll their dice.

And joint fourth place. Both the towns have quite a bit of empty space ideal for future development, but the game finished at this point.

We also had a quick game of Top Dog, a kid's card game that was quick, simple and fun to play. Essentially it's about choosing sled dog teams to complete for trophies out of random decks of cards. As the dogs include chihuahuas and poodles, you might not always get a great team.  
I can't see folks clamouring to play this regularly, but it certainly fills in a bit of time at the end of the evening if the main game has finished early.
Actually, the basic system is so simple that I can see the potential to reskin it* to a more fantasy or SciFi setting, perhaps with a little added complexity with extra cards with hazards etc.

If you have the same dog type, their value is multiplied rather than added to determine who wins each race.  Thus the polar bear wins this race 18 to 14.  Players with the same score have collided and are out of that race.
There are various different trophies to win, the overall winner given by the player (musher) with the highest value trophies.

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