Monday, 20 May 2024

More Fantasy Regiments Orcs

In my original post about the Fantasy Regiments Orcs I mentioned that I'd found a couple more. Well these are now painted up and ready to join their comrades in arms.

Unfortunate bit of varnish frosting on the shield.  I can paint that out

Painting was pretty much my standard orc method, but as I was only painting two of these I took a bit more time over the highlights, and I think they look better as a result.  I'll admit to being a little unenthusiastic when I did the last lot.  But now these old models are growing on me!

The Unit Grows
The unit so far

Future Plans
These do occasionally crop up online, and for a reasonable price I might increase the unit size.
I do have one more already, but he is in a poor way.  Not only is he missing ahead, but someone (not me) must have glued a shield on his back, so the mail detail is lost in a large patch.

Headless orc (Bodvoc's favourite kind)
and with a bad back

But I have plans for him.  You'll have to wait and see how they pan out.


  1. Great work, the extra work on the highlights definitely payed off. Looking forward to seeing what you'll do with the incomplete orc!

    1. Thanks. I put in more time than I would usually do on ordinary rank and file minis, but it was worth it. It's a good job I'm not trying to paint a whole army.
      The battered orc is in the painting queue, along with some archers.

    2. The unit is looking wonderful, great painting. They will look suitably imposing on the table.

    3. Thanks, I enjoyed these plastic orcs a lot more than the first batch

  2. Those are wonderful. I had a bunch of them that I now regret selling off. I may have a spare head somewhere in the bitsbox. If you need it, just let me know.

    1. Thanks. I regret selling my original lot off too.

      The spare head offer is very generous. I have a couple of different options for what happens to 'Old Headless', so I'll let you know. I think I should do a post about it and see what the readers think


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