Sunday, 30 April 2023

The Sons of the Serpent - A Harad Battle Company

You've probably seen my Haradrim in the MESBG Battle Companies campaign I'm playing with my son.  I showed the main paint scheme here, but since then there have been some additions, and one loss. So it's time for another look.
I've given them all names; since the films lean heavily on Arabic culture for the look of the Haradrim, I used numbers or titles, or altered them slightly to make them sound more harmonious.  Apologies to any Arabic speakers.
These minis use essentially the same palette as the test mini, the keffiyah on the original heroes is purple, but I haven't altered those where the warrior has been promoted to hero.

The Sons of the Serpent*

L to R; Shawish, Qayid and Sayaad (befoer suffering his arm injury)
Shawish has a pouch of Healing Herbs, taken from the ever useful Frostgrave Soldiers sprue

L to R; Arbaea, Khamsa, Sita and Sabea

L to R; Ahad, Thamania (an early casualty), Tise and Eashra

Such is the nature of the campaign game that I'm regularly adding to the Company.  I've got three minis in the process of being painted to represent upgrades for Qayid, Arbaea and Khamsa.  You've probably seen them in part painted states in recent games, but I'll get proper pictures up in a post of their own when they are finished.

I haven't (yet) rolled any Serpent Guard, Watchers of Karna or Abrakhan Guard for The Sons of the Serpent.  If/when I do, I have both foot and mounted Serpent Guard.  I'll probably use my one Hasharin model for a Watcher, and I've kit-bashed a suitable Abrakhan Guard, you can see him here.

*I did think about calling them The Sons of the Desert, but that gives a very different feel to The Sons of the Serpent.  


  1. Great looking warband. The colour scheme is spot on. I shall have to meet them in person one day.

  2. these came out badass. nice job.
    the choice in colors really makes them pop.

    1. Thanks. I'll probably do some more so that I've plenty for matched play and story games.


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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