Sunday, 30 April 2023

A Chance Encounter MESBG Battle Companies Campaign

We played the latest in our MSEBG Battle Companies campaign, and if the previous game was oddly bloodless and lacking in excitement, this one was very different.
The aim of the game is to inflict as many casualties on the enemy, while remaining above one quarter strength.

Set Up
The table was set up to make the most of the newly painted Ruins of Middle Earth.  These ruins would provide important shooting platforms for the game.
Neither of us suffered with troops missing due to Old Battle Wounds, but the Fiefdoms were missing one warrior, injured last game.

Surprise! The two Companies meet each other.

Opening Moves
Both sides place archers in the nearest ruins (there is a Blackroot Vale Archer under the arcade as well as one on the steps).
The melee troops advance, but the Harad cavalry stays in cover behind the wood.
Early missile fire has no effect.

The Harad troops move up, hoping that the fallen column will provide some cover.  The Knight and his retinue also advance.
Lucky bowfire takes out the Archer in the arcade.

The Middle Phase
The two forces finally clash, Harad being able to charge the Fiefdoms.  On declaring a Charge, the Knight responds with a Heroic Move, hoping to seize the initiative.  However, Qayid's Mastery of Battle allowed him to do the same, and the dice favoured him.
Despite their Charge, the Harad troops are all beaten back, and, worse, Khamsa is a casualty.

The Blackroot Vale Archer shoots true, and one of the Bowmen in the ruin opposite falls to the ground.
The action around the column hots up.  The Fiefdoms attempt a charge this time, and Qyaid tries to use his Heroic Move to foil them.  The Fiefdoms respond in kind, and this time the dice favour them.
However, the bold men of Harad slay the Knight!

But wait, his lucky charm saves him.  

The Battle's Ending
The Blackroot Vale Archer realises he is needed and begins moving towards the melee.
The Harad Bowman on the Gatehouse tries several times to shoot him, but fails.
By the fallen statue the fight continues, costing Harad another warrior.  In an attempt to bring the Fiefdoms down, even Arbea with the Company Banner and the nearby Bowmen (including Sayaad One-hand) pile in.

Weight of numbers finally defeats the Knight, and the Fiefdoms are broken.

More Fiefdoms troops fall.

Seeing how things are going, the Blackroot Vale Archer flees.  
Before the rest of the Fiefdoms can follow, the Harad troops charge them (Heroic Move) and they are pulled down.

Ahad, one of the Harad Bowmen is injured and will miss the next game.  The rest of the company survived OK.
Qayid gained another point of Might, but two warriors failed to gain any promotion.  Shawish managed to find some Healing Herbs.
Sadly, the Man-At-Arms sergeant succumbed to his injuries.  He was a valiant opponent.  Still, one of his companions is now a hero.
The Fiefdoms have recruited another two men, a further Man-at-Arms and a fierce Clansman of Lamedon.

This was a great fun game.  Despite all the Fiefdoms being taken out of action it was exceptionally close.  several fights were won by virtue of Shawish's Parry ability, and I think we saw more Heroic Actions this game than in the whole of the campaign previously.  They certainly help make the game more, well, Heroic.
There were several instances of me completely failing to capitalise on winning Duels.  In one instance a cavalry charge resulted in Qayid rolling 4 dice, getting nothing higher than a 2, then rerolling thanks to his Master of Poisons ability, and doing no better!  Still, he got there in the end.

My Company is now rather powerful, but there is the Clansman to face next time, and the Knight has bought himself a lance and Warhorse.  
I'm happy with the size of my Warband for now, and I'm not planning to increase it until I've caught up painting.  I'd better find a pouch for those healing herbs as well, I'm sure the Frostgrave sprues will have something suitable.


  1. Sounds fun, it is a great campaign you have going.

    1. Thanks, we're having a lot of fun with it. I don't know at what point we'll call it done, but at the very least we'd like to play each scenario once.
      After this? Well, I have thought about a campaign set in Moria.


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