Sunday, 14 May 2023

Kitbashing an Abrakhan Guard for my Harad Battle Company

I've mentioned before that I've been stuck for what to use for an Abrakhan Guard, should I roll one, in our Battle Companies campaign.

The GW official model is no longer available, and I not really a fan of it anyway, it is a cliché 'Fantasy Arabian Harem Guard ' and is a complete invention of the GW designers.  It is, however, the only way to get two handed weapons in the Harad Battle Company, so from a a gaming perspective it would be nice to have one.

I looked for alternatives, including a Reaper mini and one of the Crooked Dice henchmen (as I painted here, the chap with the two handed scimitar), but nothing quite worked.  Then I took a while to think; this isn't anything from the books, not even from the films, so as long as I like the look, that's fine.
I still wanted the same sort of look as the rest of the Haradrim, he should clearly belong to the same culture.  I was looking through some of my Frostgrave sprues and realised that the cultists were wearing fairly loose fitting clothes.  I found a suitable head with keffiyeh on the Ghost Archipelago Crewman sprue, and a suitably impressive two handed sword on the Frostgrave Gnolls sprue.  The official mini is unarmoured, but the profile is still Defence 4+, so I went with the torso that I could paint in fancy armour.  Ideally I'd have used different arms, but I couldn't find any others with the relevant sword, so Gnolls it was.  There isn't anything to show that they are non-human.

The guard has the 'Bulky' special rule, represented in the official mini by him being, well, 'chubby'.  The Frostgrave stuff is fractionally larger than most of the MESBG minis, especially if I leave him on his 'broccoli base', so this will have to do.

Now that I've built him I'm thinking about using more of the Cultist sprues to try some of the Watchers of Karna.  Initially I was going to use one of the Assassins, but it might be nice to do something of my own, and, as with the Guard, it doesn't have to be a copy of the GW mini.

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