Monday, 15 May 2023

Seize Ground: MESBG Battle Companies Campaign

Yet another game in our Battle Companies campaign. This was the Seize Ground scenario, where the object was to be in control of as many as possible of five key points on the battlefield (white counters).
I was missing one of my warriors, still recovering from an injury last time, and the Axeman of Lossenarch was likewise absent.

The deployment.  A couple of the objectives are just off the photograph (doh!), just below the hill at the bottom, and above the ruin at the top.

Opening Moves
Qayid sent a warrior out to control the objective near the hill, while he himself rode off towards the one near the ruin.
The Fiefdoms advanced, spitting their forces into two wings.

The Knight moves towards the gateway, no doubt issuing challenges to the Harad troops.
The Raider claims an objective, as does Qayid.

Middle Phase
Both mounted Haradrim charge opponents.  Despite the advantages, the initial melees are disappointing.  Either I failed to Strike after a successful Duel, or the wound was saved by Fate (in the knight's case after spending two points of Might!)

But a second run knocks the Fiefdoms troops to the ground and the knight is out of action.
The Fiefdom's other wing threatens the Harad flank. 

The End Phase
A Man-at-Arms falls, and the Harad cavalry move to secure a couple of objectives.  The remaining Fiefdoms troops decide that discretion is the better part of valour, and depart the field, taking their casualties with them.

So a disastrous day for the Fiefdoms.  To add insult to injury the new man-at-arms succumbed to his wounds, so the Fiefdoms are struggling with numbers.  The knight has another point of Might, making three, and the Blackroot Vale Archer gained the ability to shoot at targets otherwise concealed.  Since this is most likely from an Elven Cloak, which Harad can't take, it's not that useful a skill for him.
Harad fared better, having no losses to injury.  Experience-wise several of the heroes got interesting boosts.

Another fun game, but one in which luck seemed to play a huge part.  There were several instances of successful duels where both sides failed to capitalise, even with the double bonus of mounted and warspear or lance.  One bow shot I took with a 6 to hit and a further 6 for the in-the-way roll followed by a strike roll of 2 just about summed it up.
Still, I was able to knock the Fiefdoms troops out of contention by the end, and their bad luck trying to take out the Hradrim meant that I suffered very little.

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