Saturday, 27 November 2021

SITC - Building The Metal Hut

So far I've made (but not painted) a wooden shack and a stone cabin.  These are based on two of the buildings used as Gimbrin's Mine in Terror of the Lichemaster.  As I'm using this project as a bit of an experiment to come up with a dwarven style, I thought I'd finish off the set with a metal hut.

This simple hut is building 11 in the TotL pack; the closest I can find in the Townscape set is building 7, The Store (presumably a storehouse rather than a shop).  The only difference is that the Lichemaster building has vertical planking, the Townscape one is horizontal.  As I'm having a metal plate finish, this doesn't matter at all.

The building has a foamcard structure with a roof from delivery envelope card.

The metal hut foamcore, er, core

I wanted to add some extra texture to the hut to make it look like it had been built out of metal plates.  There was a temptation to use corrugated card to give a corrugated sheet look, but I thought that was a bit too modern looking.  Fine for Sci Fi, but this is supposed to be fantasy.  Instead I added thin card strips to cover the corners and around the window and door. I used the outer shiny side of the card upmost, it isn't as absorbent with paint, but has a smoother texture.  
Both the door and the window are recessed into the foamboard, simply cut through the outer layer of card and through the foam.  the foam can be plucked out leaving just the back layer of card. I played around with the door shape, to see if a non-oblong door looked more non human.  The window was just granny grating again, with thin card for a frame.  I decided that looked a bit sparse, so I added more card strips for extra metal beams.

I borrowed a technique from Merijn's dwarven build, using seeds as rivets.  He uses quinoa for various bits on his mine build here, I found some blue poppy seeds that are a bit smaller.  They are very fiddly to apply, but I do like the look.  The pictures show a few applied to the front, I've a lot more to go.

Now all three buildings are built (bar a few rivets) and just waiting to be painted .  I'll get them all done at once, if the weather is dry I may even get the airbrush out again.


  1. More good work there. I look forward to seeing the completed group of buildings.

    1. Thanks, I'll get on with the painting soon.
      I may do the TotL minehead as well,, once the buildings are finished.

  2. Looking good. I'm going to start hunting for poppy seeds, a size smaller rivet would be very nice to have.

    1. Thanks, they look good but they are very fiddly. I'll look for some quinoa seeds as well to give some variety

  3. And if the doors are locked you could get in by saying "open sesame"


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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