Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Building Tatooine in 20mm Part 3

Last night I had another game of Star Wars Galactic Heroes. It was very much a last minute thing, but I was determined to have more terrain on the table.
I quickly cut some XPS blocks, and even had time to stick some half polystyrene balls onto one of them for domes, but there was an awful lot of pink on the table.

A lot of pink foam, which looks a pale buff or orange in the photo.  This is a much better amount of terrain than the last game.

Today I decided to work on one of them, since the dwarven stone cabin was drying prior to painting.  I've now got it to the stage of needing texture and 'greeblies', then painting.
The arches are cut on the Proxon using a Shifting Lands arch template.  I got one as a freebie when I ordered my Guider Pro. Very useful, though I still need some practice with them. 

Building front

Building back, looking at it I might replace the buttresses with thicker ones.

I'll probably put this away until I've finished the SITC - BH, but I certainly want to get those pink blocks turned into Tatooine terrain.

And then when I've got a box of 20mm terrain done, time to start on the 28mm stuff.


  1. Happily, I found the Star Wars buildings quite a quick build and paint. These should get finished quite quickly and then you will have a wonderful collection to game with.


    1. Thanks, I'm due another game this coming Monday, so I've been slapping bits of XPS together again. Nothing textured and painted yet, but I should have another four structures built by then.
      It's quite addictive.


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

Back in December I built three Companions to match the ones Andy and I chose for our first gam e. I've finished painting them now, and ...