Monday, 1 November 2021

Orctober - Review

As Orctober ends I thought I'd look back at the month and assess how well it went.

I've long felt that I work well to a goal (mostly), and this really helped me focus my painting for the month.  The lack of any gaming goals over the last 18 months or more made it hard for me to get much done, as demonstrated by my inactivity last year.  

However, if I set myself too strict a goal I find it hard to work as well.  I resent the time spent when I could be doing something else, I notice this particularly if I have a deadline for RPG stuff.

Orctober was pretty much spot on.  I knew I had to paint orcs, but I have so many different orcs to paint that it never felt like a chore, well, apart from all those red eyes.  I managed two complete projects and got a good way on with a third.  If I'd been less ambitious with the 10mm Mordor stuff I may even have completed the Ripper suits, but I've learned that if I leave stuff part done, its not always easy to get back to complete it, there's too much other stuff to do.

All this leads me to think what next?  Ages ago I did themed months, and this generally worked, but the projects tended to be too long to complete in a month.  I do wonder if looser themes with several small projects might work going forward?  Anyway, Ripper Suit completion first, then I already have some Gondorian troops in 10mm to base.  Then, perhaps, some dwarves?


  1. May I suggest N'ELF'ember for this months project?

    1. More elves? Nah.
      I'm thinking perhaps Dwarfember next month, both minis and terrain.

  2. Just seen someone suggest Norsevember?

    1. That sounds better, but don't think I've much appropriate, barbarians perhaps?


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

For the past 48 days my hobby time has been dedicated to Dave Stone's Paint What You Got Challenge . I decided early on to use it as a s...