Thursday, 15 October 2020

The Great Terrain Build Off - Part 5

The Bakehouse is now complete, I just need to paint it and base it.

I used the thick card from envelopes again for the tiles. I had planned to use cereal box card, but I think I prefer the slightly thicker tiles.
Rather than stick individual tiles on I cut strips. Each was 15mm wide and overlapped the roof by 5mm either side. 
I have a craft guillotine, which makes it quicker and easier. 
Then taking three strips at a time I cut in every 8 to 12 mm (roughly) and then clipped off corners, shortened some tiles and generally made them look uneven.
Preparing three strips at once helps add to the random look. 
The main roof and the extension had strips glued on every 7.5mm, I had the lines as guidelines, though they were every 5mm, meaning a bit of fudging, but again, that helps with the hand-crafted look. The lean-to had smaller tiles, I imagine it's a recent addition.
The ridge tiles were glued on as individual tiles, I used one of the folds already present in the envelope, great for this and also for gluing on the edge of buildings. 
I've also gone over the daub, adding a second coat to fill the panels out a bit, and added card hinges to the doors. 
Just the painting to do now, oh, and a base of course. 


  1. That looks great! Better than any commercially available 15mm buildings I've seen.

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to painting it and basing. I'll put a few extra 'bits' on the base to fit in with it being a bakehouse. Dreggs perhaps?

  2. Looking even better. I like the overall amount of detail and look forward to seeing the painted house.

    1. Thanks. It's now undercoated in grey.
      I think I've decided what I'm going to build next, a bit more ambitious, but an old White Dwarf Modelling Workshop project that I've wanted to do for years


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