Thursday, 8 October 2020

The Great Terrain Build Off - Part 3

Still more progress on my version of building 19 from the Warhammer Townscape. You can see part 1 here, and part 2 here.

I've got the base for the roofs done. This is simply a card cover that I will later tile. The card is another delivery envelope from that well known online delivery company; its just a bit thicker and stronger than cereal box card, and I'm tempted to use it for the tiles as well.
I also drew guide lines at 5mm intervals to help when I stick the tiles on later.

I pinned the card in place while the glue dries, after first making holes in the card.
You can see where I've sketched in the positions of the timbers, though I've still not finalised this.

I mentioned previously that I suspected the scanned Warhammer Townscape might not be to scale. A quick bit of comparative measurement proves it, the Townscape is about 115% the size of the originals, at least with the buildings from Terror of the Lichemaster. It doesn't matter of course. In any case I suspect minis themselves have grown more than that in the thirty odd years since original publication.

Next will be timbering and texturing.


  1. Looking good, that chimney could be a winning feature!

    1. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned.
      The big chimney is a focus of the building. I can build another with a much smaller chimney in a different place, switch the lean-to to the side, and the building would look very different.

  2. Looking gooooddd...
    -The Other One

    1. Thanks, I now have the balsa wood for the next stage


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