Monday, 5 October 2015

Wizard Statue 3

It's been while since I have posted, but I have not been completely idle.
The Frostgrave statue is nearly finished.

I was going for an off white marble look, based on statues I have seen (I'm thinking particularly of the collection at Chatsworth House, a bit of culture there for you).  I could have added some veining, but at one time, the purer the colouration, the better they thought the quality of the marble was.

The statue was given a white undercoat (Vallejo white primer), followed by a basecoat of Citadel Foundation Deneb Stone (one of my favorite GW paints).  Then a heavy drybrush of Vallejo Game Colour Bone White, and finally a light drybrush of VGC Off White.

I have a few finishing touches in mind, principally some staining with green and brown washes, to make the statue look a little less new.  Keen eyed readers might note that I did indeed add a bit more damage, and I toyed with the idea of scattering the bits on the plinth, but I suspect that a statue this important (perhaps Fel himself?) would attract souvenir hunters.

I have also finished Crooknose and his mates, they are now just awaiting the dip :)
and a base :o
and the remaining 15 goblins :(
I will post pictures soon.


  1. Nice work, especially like your base, maybe add a bit of rubble or greenery (if that exists in Frostgrave) and job done!

  2. Thanks. I am certainly going to add some rubble. My Frostgrave is more 'Thawgrave' as some have called it. This will double as wargames scenery, and might even crop up in RPGs.


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