Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Goblin Sharpsticks 9: Done (But for Basing)

Crooknose and his pals are finished! They only await their scenic base.
Yes, I need to work on focusing.  

Really need to work on focusing.  

The goblins have been 'dipped', or rather had dip painted on.  Army Painter Strontone again.  Then a coat of Army Painter Antishine spray.  I'm sure I have missed a few bits with the antishine, but i can touch them up if necessary with a brush and matt varnish.

The dip provides just enough dark tone to shade the model.  The Leather Brown undercoat works well as leather armour, straps and bags, and isn't too glaringly different for the various colours of cloth.  The metalwork looks suitably grubby as well, I doubt Crooknose spends much time cleaning his gear.

So that's 30 goblins painted.  It took rather longer than I had hoped, but there were various other interruptions and distractions.  I suspect that I can manage with fewer that 30 for the horde (which by rights should be 40 figures), but that's fine; I have a cunning plan for any left over.


  1. Very nice, I look forward to seeing them based.

  2. Thanks
    The base is progressing well. I showed my base construction a while ago so won't bother covering it again.
    Hopefully all will be done my early next week.

  3. Looking good, Do show them based up though.

  4. I will show them based, just wasn't going to cover the whole process of making the bases.
    That said i have had a couple of ideas for improving the base, which is currently part built, and fond a minor problem.


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