Saturday, 31 October 2015

Dungeon Saga Has Landed

A large box arrived whilst I was out today.  in fact it was left unattended by the side of the house, so I'm lucky some trick-or-treat-ers didn't decide it was their treat.
Anyway, the box contained several more boxes, all containing my Dungeon Saga pledge.
All this in the box at the back.  Clearly Mantic's packing staff must be good at Tetris

The basic game -front

The basic game - back

But the basic game really comes in this lovely book.

I'll post further when I have had time to digest all this.  First impressions are very good, though some of the minis are loose on their bases.  Still easy to correct, and the overall look of the thing is great.

One thing that immediately impressed me was the inclusion of a 'getting started' booklet, allowing an easy introduction to the game system and the first series of quests.


  1. Glad to hear that your Dungeon Saga stuff has arrived. I am also impressed with all that I got. Now where to start painting?

  2. Indeed.
    There are a few errors in the packing which need sorting too, but nothing that can't wait. The actual DS game is fine.


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