Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Painted Reaper Bones Shambling Dead Skeletons

Nine Down and Lots to Go!
And a bit of a wash and a highlight later, here are the nine Shambling Dead from the previous post.

Nine painted skeletons.  All based.  They have weapons and some wear armour.  What clothing remains is mostly green and yellow
All nine Shambling Dead skeletons.

Skeleton with greataxe and helmet

skeleton with sword and shield

Skeleton with greatsword, helmet and scale armour

Which reminds me, I should look at making some sort of backdrop, possibly a light box too, if I am going to post decent photos on here.

Overall I am pretty pleased with these.  Between them they make a good encounter, and I can see an low level D&D 5th edition adventure featuring a crypt or similar.

They were pretty easy to paint too.  I am not aiming for award winning paint jobs, just something to put on the table.  I may add a green glow in the eye sockets at some point, and I am not sure yet if I should varnish them.

I'm not sure what next, I want to do more to Barsoom, I have both Dreadball and Deadzone teams/factions to paint and a Kings of War project to complete before Easter's battle with Merlin. 
Some card terrain for the D&D group might be needed too, so no chance of getting bored then....


  1. Very nice skellies, they have an old school RPG feel/look to them

  2. Thanks. That's pretty much what I was aiming for.
    I am hoping to build up a reasonable collection of D&D monsters. I have loads of the old WotC prepainted minis, but they are of variable quality. I have already painted some of the Bones kobolds and goblins from the last kickstarter, Bones 2 included a shaman type and a chieftain for both, so they might be next D&D wise.


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