Friday, 6 March 2015

Bones 2; A Closer Look

I have chance to look through most of the Bonesunami and thought I should share some pics of them.
First up the Core Set.
First up the Savage Worlds and Pulp Action figures.  Whilst I have little use for these at the moment, they are nicely done, especially the undead gunslinger, and will make for good painting practice.  There are a couple of steampunkish minis that i might be able to use in Empire of the Dead.

Random scenery bits, including the Good and Evil pillars (?).  Can't have too much terrain, though i will be getting plenty in Dungeon Saga and Conan sometime soon(ish).

Character/non player character figures.  Lots of different types here, including a few non human types.  of course i have plenty already, but they are generally very nice, tough one of the barbarians has an amazingly small head, and they convert dead easy, so i'm glad to have them.

As I principally D/Gm its the monsters I want.  Here is a very good selection, including some very useful additions to Bones 1.

More monsters, including gnolls and bugbears and lots of undead.
Guess what?  More monsters, this time more giant beasts and baby dragons (aww!)

Now Expansion Set 2
Much less here, but some very fine translucent plastic tentacles, shadow beasts etc.  The town guard are great, I will have to look out for more of these.

Expansion Set 1 here, The baggies contain a Silver Dragon, a Stone Giant, a Dragon Turtle, a Squid like thing,a Giant Scorpion and a Egyptian style Animated Statue

More of Expansion 1.  Of particular use are the goblin and kobold heroes which match perfectly the goblins and kobolds in Bones 1. 

The 'Thanks You' set added towards the end of the campaign.  the little Brian Froud style bagpiper is perhaps my favorite mini of the lot.  OK the big stuff like Dragons Don't Share are BRILLIANT, but there is so much character in this little guy.

I might (if you want it) post pics of the other stuff that isn't included in the above.  I didn't get Expansion 3 as it was mostly Sci Fi stuff.  I do have Dragons Don't Share and some Hill Giants that are rather nice though.

Now if only I could get some painted......

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