Thursday, 26 March 2015

Kickstarter - Mantic Games' Deadzone Infestation 'Kickwatch'

Kickwatch is where I will mention Kickstarter campaigns I am following or backing.

As a Pathfinder for Mantic I have to mention this one, its a squad level game set in the Warpath/Dreadball universe using the Deadzone rules and introducing a new (to DZ) race, the Veer-myn (space rats).
The campaign introduces more of the excellent terrain, this time with an industrial theme, and aims to produce hard plastic sprues for the Veer-myn and Enforcer Pathfinders; maybe even for other races too.

The Veer-myn advance (Image from Mantic Games)

An example of the sort of terrain available. (Image from Mantic Games)

I understand the rules are getting a refresh too with some of the unwieldier elements of the original game (campaign system, I'm looking at you) being reworked.

If you like the look of the terrain, but the game doesn't do it for you there is a terrain only pledge level too.

One of the great things about this game is that everything is compatible with the Warpath game, which hopefully will see a full release sometime this year.  

If you want to look more the Kickstater campaign is Deadzone: Infestation.

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