Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Reaper Bones Skeletons Shambling Dead

Bones Bones
So far I have shown very little in the way of actual miniature painting on my blog.  So here is a batch of skeletons from Bones 2.  These nine undead should prove useful in many low to mid level dungeons, and are part of my plan to assemble sets of dungeon monsters for 5th Edition D&D.
They are from the Shambling Dead pack in Bones 2, but mine contained two of the 'undressed' skeleton archer so I am missing the archer wearing the hood.  I just need to root out the skeletons from Bones 1 to make a round dozen.

Here is my current progress; I intend to rebase all minis to give a unifying look.  The bases are made from MDF discs from Warbases covered with a thin skin of greenstuff and textured using home made stamps.
The skeletons have a base coat, once  everything is dry I will wash and highlight them before adding the bases and possibly varnishing to protect the paint.

Three cork block, each with three skeletons pinned to them.  The skeletons are off white and have had their equipment base painted
Progress so far

Armoured skeleton with round shield and spear, skeleton with bow and skeleton with round sheild and sword
Close up of three of the skeletons...

The same three skeletons from the other side
...and a rear view

Close up of the armoured skeleton with spear.  The minis have just a base coat, no shading yet
More detail

These are intended to be quick paint jobs, after all, they are only skeletons and probably wont last long.

The minis themselves are very nice.  There is more interesting detail than the first lot of Bones skeletons, so I imagined them as the remains of a patrol, hence the green and yellow livery.
Paints are mostly Vallejo, with a few Citadel foundation paints thrown in.

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