Thursday, 12 March 2015

Choosing Options for the Kings of War 2 Kickstarter

Choices, choices, so many choices
Well I just got the pledge manager for the 2nd edition Kings of War kickstarter.  I love the first edition, and the changes to the new edition seem pretty sensible from what I have seen.
The kickstarter campaign far exceeded its goal of funding a new rulebook, so now I have to decide if I want any of the new stuff.

If I am being sensible I would say no; I already have a good sized orc army, and plenty more to paint, plus small elf, undead and dwarf forces painted.  Unpainted I have goblins and ogres.
But the two new armies, Abyssals (demons) and Forces of Nature (elemental type warriors plus druids etc) look very nice from what has been shown.
On the other hand, members of my regular wargaming group are after these themselves, so it doesn't make much sense to duplicate.
There are still plenty of new minis, from ogre braves to a whole slew of character figures.  The only orc mini set is the Wardrum, so I guess certainly one of those.

If you haven't tried kings of War, the rules (first edition only at the moment) are available free, yes free, on the Mantic Games website.

I should say at this point that I am a Pathfinder for Mantic Games, which means I demo their product at shows and in stores etc in exchange for free product.  This suggests a certain amount of bias, but as my hobby time is limited, I like to think I wouldn't waste it on games that I thought were no good.

1 comment:

  1. I'll second the recommendation to give Kings of War a try (and I'm not a Pathfinder).:)


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