So on with the second of our Ambush games, but first a quick word about the terrain. Most of my stuff is currently packed away, so I was making do. Both the buildings are based on ones on the covers of The Citadel Journal Spring '85, just built using strong card, filler, balsa etc*. They both look ok, so I might pretty them up a bit to match my more recent builds. The hedges are from Green Scene, and need proper basing, a bit of cutting and sticking to get rid of the very flat tops, and probably some more varied shades and textures of turf. The walls are old plastic toy farm pieces, I'll just replace them. Woods need some work too, and I borrowed some of these from Bodvoc. It's a reasonable terrain set though, especially on my old Realm of Battle boards, and I think I'll get it sorted out properly early next year.
The first Ambush game report is
here, we went into the second game with me technically having a win. Looking at the remains of my army, it didn't feel like it. We haven't yet considered any knock on effects of previous games, I might do this in future, but for now we are just playing games, having fun, and slowly growing our new armies.
The Scenario
Continuing with my idea of a group of plucky human settlers holding out against the absentee landlords of the Sylvan Kin, another hamlet has been built around a large tree. Unknown to the settlers, the tree is sacred to the Sylvan Kin (in my WFB version it was a dormant Treeman). The thought of it in the hands of the humans has driven the Sylvan Kin to anger, they want nothing more than the complete eradication of the settlement.
I chose the Salt the Earth scenario with the tree as the central objective. I decided it was worth double points as well. Otherwise, everything was as per the rulebook.
Out two armies were the same, but we slightly re-jigged the terrain. On the photos the big tree is the central objective, the rest are either red or green tokens.
Scouting moves
Emyn Lockharn and the Gladestalkers have taken up positions closer to the village. Fortunately for me, they were on opposite flanks.
Turn one
The Tallspears and Silverbreeze advance and both claim an objective, Emyn shoots at the Mounted Scouts, wavering them.
The Phalanxes both advance towards the village, while the bowmen take cover behind a wood, determined to claim the objective nearby. Artem follows the Phalanxes and the Scouts, unable to advance or shoot at Emyn, merely wait.
Turn two
The Tallspears and Silverbreeze remain stationary, The cavalry getting some shots off at the Bowmen. Emyn once more damages the Mounted Scouts.
The Scouts have recovered and shoot bac, causing my first damage all day, hooray!. The Phalanxes both advance towards the village, while the Bowmen take cover behind a wood, though not well enough to shield them from the Silverbreeze. Artem ponders where he is best placed. Perhaps the sneaky elven leader is a worthy target?

The Mounted Scouts in their archery duel with Emyn Lockharn. You can just see the elf cowering in the far wood.
Turn three
Emyn's archery once more dismays the Scouts who try in vain to manoeuvre out of his line of sight. The Silverbreeze advance towards the village.
Both Phalanxes take control of the tree in the village while the Bowmen inexplicably don't bother to shoot at the Silverbreeze (I had line of sight, although they were in cover. I could have got off ten shots, but I forgot). Artem moves off towards where Emyn was last seen.
Turn four
Emyn moves behind the tower (out of sight on the picture, typical) to shoot the Scouts who break. The Silverbreeze shoot at one of the Phalanxes, but miss! The Gladestalkers move off their hill towards the wood.
Despite being on the opposite side of the tower to Emyn, Artem can't see him, so moves into the wood the elf previously occupied. One Phalanx moves forwards towards the Silverbreeze and the Bowmen finally cotton on and shoot the cavalry.

Turn five
The Gladestalkers move into the wood. The Silverbreeze find their mark this time, but the Phalanx aren't daunted.
Artem spots Emyn and charges at him. In melee the elf is less than impressive. The Phalanx charges the Silverbreeze, but the wall makes their attack less efficient, the Bowmen are similarly hampered in their assault on the Gladestalkers.
Turn six
The Silverbreeze shoot at the remaining Phalanx, but the damage is minimal. The Gladestalkers waver the Bowmen, while Emyn fights back against Artem but can't land a hit.
The Phalanx stay close to the tree and Artem hits Emyn once again, but can't quite finish him off (damn Inspiring re roll).
Turn seven
The Gladestalkers rout the Bowmen and claim the objective near the wood. The Silverbreeze manage to waver the remaining Phalanx, and Emyn once more wishes he were shooting rather than trying to fight.
In response Artem again hits the elven commander, but can only waver him. The Phalanx remain guarding the tree.
As the battle finishes, the elves control three objectives to the humans' one, though the tree is worth double points. A definite elven victory. Presumably Artem orders teh Spear Phalanx to retreat in an orderly fashion back to another village, there to recruit more soldiers ready for the elves' next attack.
Final Thoughts
This was a far more interesting game; the scenario forced the elves to move to objectives, rather than just shooting my army to pieces. I felt somewhat vindicated in that I managed to damage most of the elven units, though I was unable to rout any of them. I regret missing that round of shooting against the Silverbreeze, given how close the Phalanx came to routing them in melee, it might have made all the difference, as it would have robbed Bodvoc of an objective and given it to me. I was far less confident of the Bowmen taking on the Gladestalkers, especially in the woods, as was borne out in the battle. Emyn Lockharn is a nasty leader to face, especially in such a small game. On his own he managed to waver my Mounted Scouts twice, before destroying them. I had hoped they would be able to at least contact him, possibly taking him out and then threatening the Tallspears. Then again, he is more points than the Scouts, so that should have given me a clue.
So what next for our slow grow games? I've had some thoughts what to add to my force to bring it up to 750 points. I think I can manage without any extra painting by using my old Empire/Kingdoms of Men forces, but I will get the next Spear Phalanx of the Oathmark humans done, so the 'Charity Army' can go on sale.
*The cottage also appears in the Warhammer Townscape as building 36. I shortened the tower and added a wooden top with battlements. There is another building, a tower-house, which is similar to one in the Townscape, which could optionally be attached to the cottage. I think this might make an ideal extra building for the settlement, and provide higher blocking terrain.