Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Oldhammer Dwarves

More dwarves, four more!

Last year I said I was going back to the Five Box system, and that one box contained a couple of dwarves for my Fistful of Lead dwarf warband.  Well I've finally finished them, and here they are.
There's not too much to say about the painting.  I used the same blond hair recipe on Dwinbar as the crossbow dwarf here, and I think it came out better.  I tired a similar method for the brown beard on the Engineer.  A base coat of Vallejo Extra Opaque Heavy Siena, then highlights of Vallejo Game Color Beasty Brown followed by VGC Leather Brown.  Then the hair was washed with Sepia, followed by another round of highlights, adding just a touch of VGC Khaki into the final highlight.  

C22 (h) Dwarf Engineer Leader and D5 (04) Dwinbar

As I was finishing these I found a couple more that I'd painted a while ago, like the Iron Breaker here.  I was particularly pleased to find Decrepit Wizard, as I remember buying him years ago, and feared I might have sold him.  He's one of the characters in Bloodbath at Orc's Drift, so is reasonably sought after.  Fortunately I still have him, although rebased without his tab. He will add some useful magical support to the band.
I did little to him other than rebase him and repair some paint chips.  I did repaint the edging on his robes; originally grey, I thought a rich purple looked more impressive, even if he is decrepit.  Looking at him now, I think perhaps I might repaint the book cover.  A rich red would give more visual interest.

Ulf is a mini that had suffered.  He was missing his axe and lost some detail, especially on his beard.  If I were buying him I might suspect a recast, but I know I've owned him for decades.  When he was painted a year or so back I replaced the missing axe with one of the plastic ones from my dwarf bits tub and gave him a shield which nicely complements the Iron Breaker's shield.  He got more repainting; his beard was originally grey, which got lost next to his mail armour, so I used the same brown hair recipe as the Engineer Leader above, which allowed me to paint in some of the softer detail on his beard.  His glove also went from leather brown to grey, as it got lost in the beard.

I didn't bother with eyes on either of these.  They both have rather shaded eyes, not easy to get to, and if you look at Dwinbar's rather manic stare above, it's clear I need a bit more practice.

D2 (87-03) Ulf Orchater and C06/08 Decrepit Wizard


A nice addition to my dwarves.  I have seven to choose from now, and a good variety of weapons.  I don't have any spears or swords yet, but I found a painted speardwarf that should do nicely at some point.
I'll just note that I found the Lost Minis Wiki invaluable for actually identifying these minis.

Next up, something very different.


  1. Terrific work, that dwarf warband is a great addition to your collection.

    1. Thanks, they've been fun to do, and I'm pleased to have a warband now.
      I'll add to them as time goes on, but I think I need to get an opposing band done next. I have those Chaos Thugs ready.

  2. Seven dwarves you say? That sounds like the beginning of a rather familiar tale ;). Nice work and I love that classic wizard sculpt. The world needs more dwarven wizards (and none of this new-fangled 'runes' stuff you hear ).

    1. Yes, seven is a significant number for dwarves. The seven houses of Durin. They certainly look Magnificent.

  3. awesome stuff, cant get enough of ur dwarves.
    lost minis wiki is a great site. ive used it to figure out what figures i had when i inherited a bunch of Deadlands miniatures and a box of old Bram Stoker's Dracula figs.

    1. Thanks, I've got a couple more Norse Dwarves on the way, but perhaps some opposition for the dwaves first.


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