Monday, 7 February 2022

10mm 3D Printed Low Ruined Walls and Statues

I was very impressed with the Ruined Tower printed by Telford3dprinting so I ordered a few more bits which arrived recently.
Again, everything was well packaged. My main purchase was a large ruined house and a pack of statues, but he included an advanced sample of some ruined walls as well. 

The walls and statues seem to be printed in a different material, it's bluer and has even fewer print layers, very smooth. Apparently, its resin, as the detail is too fine for conventional 3D printers (I hope I got this right, I know nothing about 3D printing).
*EDIT* I've heard from David at Telford 3D Printing; they were printed on an SLA printer. It's more expensive, but far better at achieving the finer detail.

After washing I undercoated them in black rather than giving them a black wash as I did with the Ruined Tower.  The bluish tint to the material suggested a more traditional black drybrushed up to light method.
The ruins of Osgiliath with some orcs for scale.

Drybrushing up through Vallejo Game Color Cold Grey, VGC Fortress Grey, VGC Wolf Grey to VGC Off White gave the result I wanted.  Then its simply a case of defining the ground with VMC Burnt Umber with random VC Earth blotches as highlights, then adding some vegetation and weathering in the same way as the Ruined Tower.

Ruined walls and statues
Men of Minas Tirith march through the ruins of Osgiliath

The statues were painted in exactly the same way, though I was tempted to paint them as though they had been painted, in proper Roman or Greek style (when we see them now, most of the paint has worn away, minute traces remain on some examples.  Renaissance artists got it wrong when they were copying).  They are another nice set that add atmosphere to a game and would look good added to other scenery pieces or even on bases with minis.

The actual models of the walls work well for gaming.  They are nicely sized to fit with 10mm minis, most pieces matching the standard 40mm base width for most games systems.  They could be scattered around to represent difficult terrain, or placed in a line to show an old fortification and present a linear barrier.  A couple of sets could easily be placed to show a street of ruined houses.  As with the statues, they would add to mini bases.  I think something like this on the base of my Fellbeast would be great.

I'll post the large ruined house when I get it done.  The scatter ruins are now available here.

Bodvoc points out that they are not that tall.  Bear in mind that they come on integral bases about 0.5mm thick, whereas the Gondorians, for example, are on 2mm thick integral bases, which are in turn stuck onto 1mm thick plastic and 1mm of magnetic sheet.
Basing the pieces on something else would give them more height, an especially good idea if you were putting several pieces together as a ruin.


  1. They are very nice pieces of terrain and also very useful. In the photo's they seem small to me, compared to the figures. I may have been tempted to use most of them to create a single ruin?

    1. They are supposed to be low ruins, but yes, they aren't tall. They'd make an excellent single piece. The printer can size them a bit larger if asked.


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