Friday, 3 December 2021

28mm Dwarf Crossbow

You may have seen I've been using an undercoated dwarf as a scale reference on my dwarf mine buildings.  Well I've got him painted now.  When I dug him out of one of the lead piles in the loft of shame I thought he was an old metal GW dwarf, but close inspection of the slotta tab reveals he is a Harlequin Miniatures dwarf.  A bit of research shows that he is actually a Black Tree Design dwarf skirmisher.  These are a great range for those looking for that 'classic Oldhammer' look, for dwarves at least, and at under £6 for 3, a bargain as well.*

Undercoated dwarf skirmisher

He's a nice mini, and the painting was a joy to do.  Rather than my usual quick method I layer painted him.  Most of the painting was pretty standard, with colours layered up from dark to light, sometimes with a wash to provide extra shadows.  
I went for a blond beard and hair as I thought he needed some light colour on him, but I struggle with blond hair so I did some research.

I found a good tutorial on YouTube from JuanHidalgo Miniatures, but it uses all Citadel paints, so here is my Vallejo paints version:
Basecoat Vallejo Game Color Khaki, highlight with VGC Bonewhite, wash with Vallejo Game Wash Sepia, highlight with VGC Bonewhite again, this time picking out just the higher details and with slightly thinned paint, extreme highlight with VGC Offwhite, wash with VGW Sepia again, then finish with VGC Offwhite to pick out just a few highlights.
I think this gives a good light blond colour, not as yellow as I normally do (and am invariably unhappy with), so that's one new technique learned.

Here's the scale dwarf doing his job next to the dwarf mine buildings as I start to get some paint on them

I might look around for a few more similar dwarves, a Fistful of Lead band might be fun, and the fantasy version is now available.  Logic suggests that I should at least have the speardwarf and archer from the skirmishers pack, somewhere in the lead mines in the loft of shame.  They'll mix well with GW dwarves from the 80s too, so I'll have a look to see if I still have some left.

* A cautionary word, BTD are not the fastest.  They are a small company, and are often casting to order.  I've ordered a few times from them, and the wait has sometimes been a little long, but they've always delivered in the end, and at those prices, its been well worth the wait.


  1. Lovely bit of painting on the dwarf. Having zoomed in on the last photo, he does scale very well with the wonderful buildings you have made.

    1. Thanks, he was a fun mini to paint, and I'm pretty pleased with the results.
      Glad to hear he's doing his job, and that the cabinectomy worked.


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