Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Townscape Collection

Whilst at Bodvoc's for a game of Fantastic Battles we took the opportunity to photograph our various Townscape buildings.  You should recognise some of these from previous challenges, but Bodvoc has quite a collection that he has built up over the years.  
Interestingly, some of his use carcases that I gave him many years ago; the small shack, the stable block (must build one myself for the Inn) and the building with the pantile roof.  I had reached a point where all my gaming was in 15mm, and they were unfinished, so I saw no point in keeping them, and he was looking for 28mm terrain.  He's done a great job of completing them.

A decent sized settlement, great for skirmish games

And finally, my unfinished dwarf mine buildings next to Bodvoc's completed Norse Dwarf house.  I'm still painting the mine buildings and sorting out greebles for them.


  1. Our little village is looking good. I think i need to make a larger building soon.

    1. Yes, it looks great. Makes me want to play some games around it.

  2. this look great. kinda of an inspiration.
    i dont have the patience or skill to build buildings like this.
    great job.

    1. Thanks. Most of these are Bodvoc's (though I did build the shells years ago).
      I'm glad they are inspiring you, have a go, start small, and most of all, have fun.


Rangers of Shadow Deep; Painted Companions and Marine Juice

Back in December I built three Companions to match the ones Andy and I chose for our first gam e. I've finished painting them now, and ...