Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Kings of War - Elves vs Undead

I'm delighted to publish this battle report from my son-in-law.  He's had a couple of games (here and here) and learned the rules, and decided to show an old school friend how to play.  They both played Warhammer back in the day, so used their old GW armies.  

"So, at long last a full battle report. Prelims: There's probably a good chance I might've unintentionally overlooked rules here and there, but that just comes with experience Didn't have counters for recording damage so used pen and paper to keep track throughout The battle was fought over the objective in the centre, the aim being to hold it with a unit for 3 turns to win. The armies: Both armies were at around 1000 points, making for a decently sized game. 
Tom fielded: 1x Zombie horde 
1x Skeleton spearmen regiment 
1x Skeleton spearmen troop 
1x Ghoul troop 
2x Deathpack hordes 
1x Deathpack Regiment 
1x Soul reaver knight troop (these were actually Bretonnian knights, but since one was headless I allowed it) 1x Vampire lord on foot 
1x necromancer on foot (represented by a corpse cart) 

I fielded: 2x kindred tallspear regiments 
1x kindred archer regiment 
1x palace guard troop
 1x stormwind cavalry regiment 
1x elven archmage 
1x eleven prince on horse 
2x bolt throwers 
Tom won the initial dice throw and went first.

Turn 1 At turn 1 Tom immediately moved to attack my ranged units with whatever he could use, lacking his own ranged units. A very lucky strike by his necromancer managed to immediately rout one of my bolt throwers, and on his left flank he advanced all his deathpacks to try and intercept my archers. The rest of his army he either moved towards the objective or behind it to protect his flanks and give his more vulnerable cover from my other ranged units. Luckily he wasn't able to close fast enough and I managed to counter charge with my palace guard, quickly despatching his forward troop of deathpack, but leaving them open to 2 larger units advancing quickly behind. I moved both my tallspear regiments forward with my prince behind towards the objective and to hopefully interdict his main force, my cavalry on my left flank were moved at the double to try and outflank his army, and my other bolt thrower moved to to find a better position


Turn 2 (I think, might be missing a picture here and this might possibly be turn 3) Tom began the turn by charging his skeleton spearmen towards my own line of spears to block off my access to the objective. Meanwhile, my palace guard had held their own against another line of deathpack and successfully routed them, battered by their 2 previous engagements however, they succumbed to his final unit of deathpack and were routed. On my left flank, my cavalry had successfully manoeuvred round to his rear, but an obstacle prevented them from charging that turn, thankfully my bolt thrower had moved into position and was able to fire on his ghouls, causing great damage


Turn 3 (we'll just say that's turn 3 for simplicity's sake) Tom's skeletons failed to beat my spears and were routed, his last remaining deathpack was successfully defeated with a mixture of archers and magic. At the rear, my bolt thrower had dispatched his ghouls, allowing my cavalry to move clear of the obstacle. Things were looking well aside from the fact his vampire lord managed to ascend towards the objective


Turn 4 (disaster strikes) Unfortunately, my own troops had been so tied up with his skeletons and deathpack that he had managed to move his zombie horde to attack my right hand tallspear regiment in the flanks, the massive weight of their attacks routed them from the field, my lefthand tallspear regiment, badly battered from its earlier engagement, was routed by his necromancer's use of drain life was enough to rid them from the field My cavalry might have come to save the day, however Tom had kept his own cavalry in reserve for the occasion, and managed to charge my own, not quite decisively defeating them, but keeping them tied down


Turn 5 (bad to worse) While my cavalry were locked down, Tom's zombies moved to get my archers, I had however one last gambit, to through my prince up the objective and to face the vampire lord in single combat, the vampire lord being a duellist however didn't put things in my favour


Turn 6 (end) As expected Tom's vampire lord won the engagement and dispatched my prince, he had now held the objective for 3 turns and had won

Overall a tough fought game that could've gone either way, with a lot of damage dealt to both sides"

They clearly had a lot of fun, and I hear that the are already looking at expanding their armies.  I'm really pleased to have passed on one of my hobbies to the newest branch of the family.

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