Friday, 7 October 2022

Frostgrave Scenario Specials

 Continuing the Frostgrave theme, here are a couple of pieces I painted up as scenario specific models.

First, the genie for the Genie in a Bottle.  If you read my account of the game, you'll see that I had to improvise.  I mentioned that I had a specific mini in mind, well here it is.  It's a D&D prepaint, a Fire Archon.  Whilst the scenario calls the creature a 'Genie', it's use of fire arrows suggested more of an efreet to me, applying D&D terminology.

Anyway, the mini is a nice one, being made of clear plastic, with black painted around the base to match the D&D prepaint look, and metals painted on for the armour and weapons.  There has been some ink or similar wash used to colour the plastic to look like flames.

It's easy to scrape off the black plastic to expose the base so it fits in with my clear based minis.  I thought the swords looked a bit out of place; both unimpressive, and unnecessary. All that was required was a bit of extra colour for the flames.  I used Army Painter Speedpaints to give an extra coat of yellow on the lower section of the mini, orange in the middle and arms, and red for the fists.  

I decided I didn't like the silver colour of the armour, so I repainted all the metal in bronze, then gave a drybrush of black to give the armour a sooty look.

The Genni from the bottle (need to scrape a bit more of that black off the base)

The Well of Dreams and Sorrows is used in the scenario of the same name.  I've seen some lovely models made for this, with fountains and icicles and so on.  I'd like this to be a fairly quick project, however, and I came across a spare well from Dungeon Saga the other day and thought it would paint up quickly.

Dungeon Saga well, now the Well of Dreams and Sorrows

The well had a base coat of Vallejo Model Color German Grey.  I then picked out random stones in two lighter greys and two browns before drybrushing with Vallejo Game Colour Stonewall Grey then VGC Khaki.  The whole lot was given a wash of AP Darktone.  The bucket and rope were VGC Beasty Brown and Khaki, given an AP Strongtone wash.
I wanted something a bit special for the contents of the well, and pondered for some time over what would look good.  I had decided on a dark blue with reflected stars, but then I remembered T' Other One's use of Vallejo Shifter Paint on his Nameless.  I managed to get a single bottle of eBay (green blue violet) and I think it looks suitably mystical.

None of these pieces were difficult to paint, but they make nice additions to my Frostgrave stuff, and I'm sure I can find use for them in other skirmish games.  


  1. I like the Geni but both models will be useful in a whole range of games.

    1. Thanks. I must look at using Speedpaints on some of my other transparent and translucent minis


Rangers of Shadow Deep - More Heroes

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