Sunday, 4 September 2022

Elves vs Orcs - 28mm Kings of War

I recently got another game of Kings of War with my son-in-law.  His first game was a little while ago (though only recently blogged) where he soundly beat me using Kingdoms of Men.  This time he used his old Games Workshop High Elves which dated back to his school/college days.

I made up a list ahead of the game, having a rough idea what he had.  This may not have been the best list possible, but at least we had a fun, and speedy game.  Both sides had 610 points (the slightly odd total was due to me changing to the higher points value Kindred Archers in Clash of Kings 2022)

The objective of the battle was to be in possession of the statue in the centre of the table.

The view from the orc lines

and looking from the elven host

The elves have advanced and caused some casualties on the orcs

Gore Riders vs Kindred Tallspears

and Ax vs Stormwind Cavalry, the wavering Krusher looks on

When you need a 5+ to hit

Excitement took over and I didn't take any more photos.  The orcs triumphed, though it should be pointed out that it was only his second game of KoW and his first with Elves, so that put him at a big disadvantage.

We both had a great game, and my son-in-law commented how smoothly the game plays, and also how well his High Elves fit the Elf army list.  I think he's now going to try and convert some of his old school chums who still have Warhammer armies.


  1. Great looking game and I am sure the elves will have their revenge.

    1. I'm sure they will, and hopefully we'll see the rest of his army soon.


Rangers of Shadow Deep - More Heroes

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