Monday, 29 June 2015

Painting Mantic Games' Kings of War Goblin Cavalry part 5

Goblin Hood, Goblin Hood, Riding through the Wood
Finished at last!  For a quick army these are taking some time to do.  Maybe if I spent less time reading other people's blogs....

The finished minis are pinned to one of the bases I prepared back in April.

The finished regiment from the front.  The goblins are mostly in red and black, and the fleabags are a mix of pale grey and sandy skin tones.

View from the side.  The red and black shields look good from this angle

View from behind as they march through the despoiled forest

And a final picture from the other side.

I'm pretty pleased with these, I think the overall effect is good.  I am looking out for some 'leaf litter' to add, but otherwise all that needs doing is sticking magnetic basing on the bottom.

Next up either some trolls, a war machine or some characters, or possibly a re-basing project I need to finish soon for a different game system.

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