The goblin cavalry have had their 'dip' (Army Painter Strongtone Dip). I think they look a lot better; not award winning by any means, but quite good enough for the table top.
A word of warning. I rushed these and didn't take the time to wick of any excess dip. I brush the dip on rather than actually dipping it as this gives me more control. Nevertheless, as it pools and dries it can obscure some detail and over shadow some areas. in the case of the fleabags, some of the lower mouths are a little dark, and there was a pool on the banner, but fortunately I spotted that one in time.
The gloss varnish will provide welcome protection from greasy grubby fingers, but the gloss is far too 'toy soldier', so the next stage will be a coat of Army Painter anti shine.
Looking good. Love the banner :)
ReplyDeleteThanks. I like trying to tell a bit of a story. I am pleased with the burning tree device, which was pretty much spur of the moment. It might become the main theme of the army, now to think of a catchy name for the Goblins