Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Painting Mantic Games' Kings of War Goblin Cavalry part 2

Yes, I know, its been a while.

Anyway, here's the latest progress on the Goblin Fleabag Riders that I started back in May.

Goblin banner bearer on Fleabag. Base colours done.  The fleabag is a pale sandy colour with a darker brown mane.  The flag is red and black with a burnt tree device
Standard bearer, the flag is meant to fit in with the 'destroying the forest' theme.

The same mini viewed from the other side
The standard is simply the foil from a wine bottle (the sacrifices I make for this hobby), deliberately cut ragged and misaligned to emphasize the makeshift nature of the goblin army.  I like the flag design and it might well reappear in other units.

Different goblin rider.  His fleabag is a light grey colour.  The triangular shield is red and black to tie in with the flag
Ordinary trooper.  I hope the clothing isn't too bright

Front view of the previous mini showing off the fleabag's impressive wide mouth and teeth

Regiment leader.  He has a sword rather than a spear.  His fleabag is the pale sandy colour again
The Goblin Captain

The minis have all had their base coats done.  As these are a quick army (yeah, right) the next stage is to use 'dip'.   I use Army Painter's Quickshade, usually the Strongtone.  If you don't know this stuff it's great for quickly finishing minis where its the overall look rather than individual detail.  It acts as a combined wash and gloss varnish, so requires a coat of matt varnish afterwards. I have used the stuff successfully on my KoW Orc army and on the goblins in the earlier posts among other projects. it's not great for character figures where quality of fine detail might be important, but it is a real time saver when doing units like this.

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