Thursday, 21 May 2015

Painting Mantic Games' Kings of War Goblin Cavalry part 1

Goblins on ??
I mentioned showing how I paint goblins when I showed the based regiment of Spitters.
I started work on these Goblin Fleabag riders some time ago, but the dangers of cats, and getting side-tracked into building the terrain for the Lost Library has delayed that.

As with the Spitters (archers) I am going for a scenic base with less than the listed number of minis.  Five of the eight are built up as normal, one, with a fancier helmet, has a sword stolen from the Skeleton sprue and is the leader, the musician, has raided an elven music shop, and the standard is simply a spear with some foil from the top of a wine bottle.

The minis went together quite well, a few gaps were easily filled with liquid green stuff.  It also helps to heat the pieces in very hot water (CAREFULLY) and push them together, as this allows them to bend into shape a bit, but I was impatient.  If you try this be very careful, hot water is, as the name suggests, hot.  When you are happy with the result plunge the bits into cold water to 'set' the new shape.

All have been undercoated with Army Painter Leather Brown spray; this provides a good base for painting and will also give colour for straps, leather armour, belts etc.

The fleabag riders pinned to cork blocks and primed brown ready for painting.  The goblins match the archers I showed earlier.  Their mounts, Fleabags, are a sort of cross between a lion and a wolf.  Sort of.

I mentioned that cats can be hazardous, well I had the goblins undercoated and drying on the windowsill outside when the local large tom pushed past and knocked them off.  Restic isn't particularly brittle, so the only damage was the end of the horn, the tip f one shield and the shafts for one spear and the standard.
Fortunately, Restic is easy to drill, so a bit of pinning later and all is fine.

I think the horn (borrowed from the Elf command sprue) looks better shorter, and the chipped shield just adds a bit more character.

Next up will be base colours.


  1. Flapjack riding Gobbos!? Ye Gods. We're doomed I tell ye. DooOOooOOOOOmMmed!

  2. A Hah
    Not flapjack otherwise I would have eaten it.
    Actually as I put the goblins on a multibase they are all pinned in place. To hold them for undercoating they are pinned into bits of cork; when i come to paint them individually I hold the pins in small bulldog clips.


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