Monday, 18 May 2015

Mantic Open Day and Sheffield Triples 2015

Two Shows in one Weekend!
Well Saturday was a busy day.  First the Mantic Open Day, then the Sheffield Triples.

Mantic Open Day
The highlight of the Open Day (for me at least) was the seminar with Ronnie Renton (Mantic's big boss man) and Jake Thornton (games Designer of, among others, Dreadball, Deadzone and Dungeon Saga).
Much was said concerning Deadzone Infestation and the ongoing work to streamline the game.
At one point we saw one of the production sculpts of the dragon from Dungeon Saga.  Wow.

Large green plastic dragon waving its paw
The Tyrant of Halpi, Dungeon Saga Dragon.

Side view of the dragon showing the nice detailing

Although Ronnie billed this as a 'board game piece' the detail is great.  All the DS minis I saw were of this quality, and I am really looking forward to getting my set.
Now if the Conan board game pieces are this good.....

The shop had the usual open day deals and I was able to get some mounted archers for my goblin army.  I traded in Mantic points for 'Coach Orcy' for my Dreadball team, and picked up some loose sprues for Deadzone.  
There was a great atmosphere and I met up with many old acquaintances.  My only complain was that I couldn't hear my phone, so didn't find out for hours that the water had been cut off at home.

Sheffield Triples
Then on to the Sheffield Triples.  This is a show I always try and get to.  The newish venue, the English Institute of Sport, is ideal with loads of space and good lighting in most of the rooms (unlike Fiasco, where it is always a surprise to see what you have bought when you get it out into daylight).

I bought some Reaper Bones and Reaper paints and a few odds and ends.  Not much i know, but time and money are a bit short, so I was happy.
Only regret was not picking up a pack of the new Crooked Dice  companion minis.  These look amazingly like companions to a well known time traveler who has recently celebrated his 50th birthday...
Also a mention for these minis;

Space Dwarves, lovely Old School look

More of them

I liked the old school 'Squat' vibe and I am told there is a set of rules in production for them.  Other ranges are available, but it was these that caught my eye.  If you like them I believe you can get them from Macrocosm


  1. That is a great looking dragon so I look forward to getting mine and yes, Triples was a most enjoyable show but nowhere as busy as I thought it would be.

  2. All the DS stuff was equally detailed, a particular favorite of mine is the skeleton with scythe in the same pose as the old Heroquest skeleton (but no where near as chunky).
    I wonder if the internet is affecting shows? it's so easy to order stuff online, often cheaper. And most games offer some form of free rules or starter sets now as well, so there is, perhaps, less incentive to risk a blind purchase.

  3. I'm still not sold on the style of this Dragon. The sculpt is well done, but the design of the best... I dunno. Need to see it in the 'flesh' me thinks (although I am perhaps spoilt by a certain Reaper Bones Dragon who won't share.. *cough*)


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