Thursday, 23 April 2015

Bases Update

I have now finished a couple of the bases, enough so I can start basing up an already painted regiment of 'Spitters' (goblin archers) and the Fleabag Riders (cavalry) I am currently working on.

Since the previous post they have had a coat of Vallejo Game Color Earth, then a drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Sand.  The trees were painted black, then drybrushed VGC Charred Brown then Cold Grey.  A final touch of VGC Bone White over everything brought out the highlights.  The areas of cut or broken wood were VMC Sand, washed with sepia wash.

A few patches of static grass and clump foliage completes the job, though if I can find some of those 'leaves' that come from birch seed pods I will scatter them around.

The Spitters fit nicely on their base, the leader stands on the tree stump directing his forces, and no doubt hoping to be ignored by the enemy.  The Fleabag base is less successful.  If I had angled the logs the other way then they would have made a great perch for some of the riders.  Unfortunately the fleabag's legs don't fit on as I have modeled it.  Oh well, they will just have to be placed on either side of the logs.  I will be doing more regiments of cavalry, so next time I will get it right.  I'm sure there is a version of 'measure twice, cut once' in play here.

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