Sunday, 23 March 2025

Painted Hobhound and Birthday Dwarves

Another Hobhound
When I first discussed what to use for the Severed Hands' Hobhound pack, and even when I showed my painted suggestions,  I was resigned to only having one of the official minis. 
Well Bodvoc managed to acquire me a second one,  and in a different pose too.

Painting was pretty straightforward,  I used Vallejo Game Color Khaki as the basecoat for most of the fur, and VMC Scorched Brown for the mane. Then highlight with VGC Bleached Bone or Leather Brown before giving everything a wash with Marine Juice (or Sonic Tonic). Finally,  a bit of extra highlighting then the usual varnishing and basing. 

The new hobhound

Both 'official' hobhounds

More Dwarves
I didn't think one Hobhound merited a post on its own,  so here are my latest acquisitions, funded with some recent birthday money. 

They were all picked up on evilbay under their original catalogue names; Tribesman, Retainer and Clan Chief from the C06 range of Dwarves from the mid 1980s.

Dwarves by Other Names
But for collectors of the minis from the second edition scenario packs, they are better known as Beli, and Snorinn Fimbul from Bloodbath at Orc's Drift and Arka Zargull from the Tragedy of McDeath. 
Picking them up under their original names does mean quite a saving, some of the prices for minis with scenario connections are staggering.  Orc's Drift only had two brand new minis; Osrim Chardz, the dwarf leader in the final battle, and Hagar Sheol, the Severed Hands chieftain.  Brommedir and Erdolas do have their names on the tabs, but they were originally available in the C08 Elf range. I wonder if more minis were cast to meet demand, with the new names on the tab?

Snorrin is the son of the Dwarf leader at Ashak Rise, and will probably end up facing the Hobhound above.  I don't have his father, the mini is available, but so far I've only seen him as Borinn, rather than just a C06 Veteran. I do have plans for an alternative mini, more on that later.
Beli is one of the patients at the hospital at Orc's Drift.  The poor chap has suffered a head wound, and is subject to some of the Psychology rules that were part of the fun of second edition.  He is a companion to Gymlet (C06 Decrepit Wizard), who I painted up a while ago.

Arka Zargull is the leader of the Dwarven miners in one of the McDeath scenarios, and also a punning reference to the leader of the National Union of Mineworkers during the Miner's Strike.  As this was 40 years ago, it seemed relevant to get him, bringing my total of McDeath minis up to 2.75 (approximately).


  1. The hobhounds look great, do you need more? The dwarves are a great acquisition, good find.

    1. Thanks.
      I've got substitutes, the Ral Partha demons I showed a while back (check the link) but I really enjoyed enjoyed painting this chap, and it would be great to have more.
      Short answer, yes, but I'd get by without.
      The dwarves are nice to have, gets me a bit closer with my Orc's Drift project. McDeath next?

  2. Great find on the Hobhound, remember them well, as I got a friend the Hobgoblin box set they were originally part of, for his birthday. The good old days of characterful scenarios, and even free card scenery sometimes on the cover, never actually collected any of the models for them at the time, but if I spot any, I'll let you know.

    1. Thanks, I'm lucky that Bodvoc found him for me.
      The early GW stuff was great, even the awful puns. If you do find anything drop me an email, contact form somewhere on the blog site, and thanks for looking.


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