Friday, 27 December 2024

Painted Hobhounds; Various Options

A Hobhound is for Life...
I realised that I never posted my first four painted Hobhounds. Back in July I spent a while trying to decide what to use for the Severed Hand's four pawed contingent. Here are painted examples of some of the options I mentioned. I'm trying to decide what works for me.

A Hobhound, two demons and a Blink Dog walk into a bar...

Actual Hobhound model 

Blink Dog 
Karmanthi demons 
These are two of the three poses in the pack.  They are available from Ral Partha Europe.  

I don't have any more Hobhounds, but I've got seven more of the demons and four more Blink Dogs. I've also got a selection of other dog models from various manufacturers. 

All the minis were painted to suggest actual dog breeds, maybe not very well, but the intention was there. The Blink Dog got a standard 25mm round base, as this was an AD&D mini, it would originally have been a hex base, but round fits in with the rest of my old school collection. Hobhounds were classed as cavalry, so gets an oval base. These are from Fluid 3D workshop, and I put magnets in for storage/multi basing.

Further thoughts and choices 
On reflection I'm not going down the Blink Dog route. I do need to keep the original Hobhound mini, after all, it's official, but the rest of the unit will be the nine demons. This fits well with my long ago belief that Hobhounds were something a bit more sinister and fae than just big dogs.
The Blink Dogs will come in useful for guard dogs or similar, indeed, one of the set is the official mini for Fritzi, the Bogels' dog in the Terror of the Lichemaster scenario pack (annoyingly, I can't find that particular pose).

So the decision is made; one original Hobhound and nine Karmanthi Demons. I just need to get the remaining seven done then the Severed Hand will be scenario ready!


  1. I also had hobhound down as something fae and non too friendly. Great figures though.

    1. Thanks
      , I think the spiky dogs will do nicely


Space Hulk; MEGAforce Board Game Night

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