Sunday, 22 December 2024

Rangers of Shadow Deep - A Token Effort

Clues and Treasure
Most of the scenarios for RoSD require objective markers. The first scenario, for example, has five 'clues' scattered around the village. When we played we used Frostgrave treasure tokens, which did the job, but really they should have been the corpses of villagers. The second scenario has five cocooned bodies that can be searched. 

It's very tempting to try and model these. Indeed, when I went to RECON I was looking for some medieval style bodies and some cocoons. I failed to find the former (though I have since seen some nice ones on eBay).  Cocoons are available in the Wargames Atlantic Spider box (along with two different sizes of spider), I was sorely tempted.
However, the box contains far more than I would need, and I'm trying to avoid having too much limited use stuff in my collection.

Generic Stuff
It's easier just to make generic tokens, maybe a few different types.  These have an added advantage if I can use them in multiple games as well as multiple scenarios.
I can always upgrade these if the game proves really popular with the group.

I used 25mm round bases for the tokens. These are the flat ones from Renedra, and they were included in the Frostgrave boxes I bought. Since I'm going to use clear acrylic bases for the minis, they were going spare.

It was a simple matter to prime then paint them. I left them on the sprue for convenience. 
Some of the scenarios require a couple of different kinds of tokens, Clues and Treasure, so I painted two different designs, I'm sure you can work out which is which.

There. Simple.

And I can always model some specific pieces later.

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