Saturday, 7 December 2024

RECON 2024 End of an Era

Saturday saw the last RECON show at Pudsey Civic Hall. It's always been one of my favourite shows, and I went to one of the first ones in a church hall in Leeds. The first shows featured a Hordes of the Things tournament, and I was pleased to see that there was still one being played today.
I met up with both Bodvoc and the Settle and District Gamers and T'Other One and had a good browse.

I didn't take any more pictures as my phone was just about out of battery, but there were some great demo games, including a stunning Starship Troopers siege and some large scale 40K stuff. One table was set up as a lovely English village, it even boasted of being the winner of the Britain in Bloom competition, I have the feeling that something nasty was about to happen though.

The Goodies
My haul was pretty limited; a new brush, some non-metallic paint agitators, some pipettes and syringes for adding sealant to textures and some d10s for Warlords of Erehwon.
Minis wise I restricted myself to just some Frostgrave Soldiers and Wizards, in both cases the newer sets. I'm going to be using these for Rangers of Shadow Deep, amongst other games, and I'm already planning how to kitbash Besaria.

I hope RECON continues at another venue, there do seem to be fewer games shows in my area these days. At least Chillcon should be back in Sheffield next year.


  1. Happily, the Civic Hall has a slight reprieve (of a year) so the hall is already booked for next years Recon.


Rangers of Shadow Deep - More Heroes

I Can Stop Anytime I Like I find kit bashing minis for games such as Rangers of Shadow Deep almost compulsive. I sit surrounded by sprues an...