Pretty well actually. While I didn't finish some of the terrain that I'd planned, and I never got on to mission two, I've got a good base of Heroes and Creatures for the game. If the Rangers' choice of Companions isn't too exotic then we can play the first mission easily.
Let's have a closer look at what I managed to paint, if you want more details, use the PWYG tag, or just look at the last couple of months posts.
Four Rangers, three are based loosely on characters we used in our games, though given that we can change equipment between missions, this isn't too important. All three were kit bashed from various sprues, especially the various Frostgrave sprues from North Star Miniatures.
Four Recruits, the basic hire in the game, wannabe Rangers who might not be individually strong, but are cheap. These are based on the Oathmark Human Light Infantry sprue, with a few bits from other sources.
Two Men at Arms and one Guardsman, These Companions are drawn from Alladore's army. The only difference between them is equipment. Men at arms have a hand weapon and shield, whereas the Guardsman has a two handed weapon. They all use the Oathmark Human Infantry bodies, with other bits from various sources.
Three Archers, in the game, archers use either bows or crossbows. These also use Oathmark Human Infantry bodies. Other bits from the same sprue or from the Frostgrave Soldiers sprues
Mission one requires zombies, giant rats and giant spiders. I managed eight zombies, four giant rats and four spiders, (well initially I only had four spiders, but I managed to get some more. So, technically I didn't have these at the start of the challenge, so I'll not count them). These are all Reaper Bones minis, acquired from various Kickstarters.
Other Stuff
The biggest terrain pieces are the Nest Trees for the second scenario, but I also finished the Reaper Bones pumpkin filled cart.
The List of Shame
Not everything got finished, of course.
One thing I wanted to craft was some buildings with accessible interiors. I built one that works well (though the interior dimensions are a bit cramped) and started another, but the weather hasn't been good enough for using my airbrush outside, so they'll have to wait for spring.
I also crafted various rocks. These are all painted, but the bases still need some work.
I based up a lot of my random collection of wargaming trees, but again, the bases need work.
My plans to do some hedges didn't get very far, but I've got some ideas to pursue.
I've also got more Rangers and Companions to paint, kit bashing them is becoming an obsession. It makes more sense to work on stuff for mission two though, essentially gnolls.
Every Day's a School Day
I learnt some things as well. I experimented with Marine Juice (or Sonic Tonic, and the Sonic Sledgehammer now calls it) and I think it's currently my favourite wash, especially for the lesser heroes. It's a good shading stage for the main characters too.
I also worked on my Slapchop technique. I've sort of used it before, but I've got a much better idea of how to get it to work, and I think I've improved. As part of this, I've persevered with Vallejo's Xpress Color paints, and I'm much happier with them now.
So it's been a great couple of months. It's helped me focus my hobby time, without it feeling too constraining.
I'm already looking forward to the next one, and I'm wondering about trying Dave's Terrain challenge in the summer.
Thanks, Snap Fit for mentioning PWYG, and thanks Dave for having me onboard.