We held out to the end, but two Recruits, a Warhound and an Archer fell.
Fortunately, all recovered, although one Recruit is diseased.
I managed to take a few pictures this time, so here's some of the action.
Great fun, and we all commented on how the cooperative nature of the game and the sense of story helped.
Poor Grim struggled to roll much higher than a 9 for a lot of the game.
I'm getting better with the rules, and was corrected over a couple of mistakes I'd been making.
It was nice to get the stuff that I've been painting for the Paint What You Got challenge on the table too.
It looks like we'll be playing again soon. Time to see if we can rescue any more villagers.
Sounds like you had fun, which is the main thing, and always a bonus to get those freshly painted models on the table.