Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Painting 'Deetoo the Dwarf'

For my last mini of 2022 I was enjoying these old minis so much that I dug out another mini from my random box of Dwarf lead.  This is, according to Lost Minis, an unnamed Norse Dwarf, with just the D2 code.  Although I did pick him at random, if I ever get around to fielding a dwarf warband for Frostgrave, he makes a nice archer.  He'll work nicely in FfoL as well.

D2 was a purchase from an Oldhammer Facebook group back when I was collecting dwarves for skirmish games.  Dwarves with bows aren't that common, and I've always liked the Norse Dwarf range, so I had to snap him up.  He didn't need stripping, just basing up on a GW 25mm circular base.

I've been using my wet pallette, so actual colours are somewhat vague.  I kept some blue to match the rest of the dwarves I've done recently and I used the same blonde hair recipe I used on. I wasn't sure about the stripy trousers, I wanted something a little more interesting than just plain green.  I often struggle to make stripes look right, but I'm pleased with the result here, shading them and making them fairly wide seems to do the trick.

This was another fun mini to paint, I've already grabbed a couple more dwarves to paint. Here they are basecoated. You may notice that I made a very dangerous mistake on one of them.


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