Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Frostgrave: The Well of Dreams and Sorrow

I had another game of Frostgrave, this time against another one of the old D&D group. I chose The  Well of Dreams and sorrow to use the well I painted here.
We both had new wizards as it was quite some time since my opponent had played, so it was a bit of a training/revision game.  These were warbands I worked out a while ago, the spell choice may not have been optimised.  I played a Chronomancer using some of my D&D prepainted minis (you can see some of them here), and my opponent had an Illusionist, and used my Sons of Empire.

The Illusionist's warband lines up to head for the well

While the Chronomancer's troops deploy

View of the battlefield.  The Chronomancer can just be seen behind the blocks in the top right corner

One of my thugs snatches a treasure by the obelisk, while my Chronomancer moves towards the well. Another of my thugs is about to take a second treasure.

While the Illusionist and his forces advance, closing in on a treasure.  His apprentice casts Wizard Eye on a ruined wall (the blue crystal)

A Minor Demon is drawn to the disturbance and attacks one of my archers.  She manages to fend it off, and killed it next turn

The Ilusionist's thief  approaches the well, whilst the illusionist himself, under cover of a building, turns invisible for a run on the well

My Chronomancer edges closer to the well taking his templar with him to act a s bodyguard/meatshield.  I'd already used Time Store to give a third action for a quick escape.  My archer climbed a ruin to shoot at the enemy and hopefully snatch a treasure later, however, the Illusionist's apprentice used Telekinesis to move the treasure

The Chronomancer's soldiers retire with their treasures

My thug and thief ganged up on the knight and took him out, but the bowfire of the Illusionist's archers followed by attacks from his thug dealt with both my soldiers

By this stage the Illusionist had already drunk from the well.  Of course, being invisible, we've only his word for it as no one saw him.  Save in the knowledge that three treasures were safe, the Chronomancer decides to go for the well.

The Chronomancer takes damage from bowfire, but manages to retreat.  miscast spells hurt too!

A turn or two later the Illusionist got three treasures off the table too, so we called it the end of the game.  My Chronomancer lost his thief, and was disappointed to find that all that treasure only amounted to gold coins, nothing arcane at all.  Still, at least he benefited from drinking from the well.  He reached second level.  The Illusionist did slightly better, making third level and gaining a grimoire as well as some gold.  I think he lost two of his soldiers though.

Another great game of one of my current favourite games.  We also discussed working out a taster scenario for new players.  If we get anywhere further with it I may post it here. 


  1. Sounds like another great game.

    1. Indeed it was. Now to get in a game against both players.

  2. nice read.
    love the simple terrain. i kinda chuckled seeing popsicle sticks as catwalks between ruin pieces.
    awesome job as usual!

    1. Thanks. The catwalks were a bit last minute, but they did the job.
      I've been thinking of revamping my Frostgrave terrain at some point, but I do find the simplicity of the cardboard and hot glue stuff appealing.


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