Tuesday, 19 April 2022

Reaper Miniatures 02831 - Olivia

I've just finished a character mini for one of my daughter's players.  The player in question lives in the U.S. but is over here soon, hence the mini.

I chose Olivia as the best mini to represent Mary Idlewood, an aging halfling wizard who specialises in necromancy (I'm sure there's a great story behind that). I went with dark clothes; greys, purple and black.  Olivia's staff is clearly meant to be something nature related; it has leaves and vines wound round it.  Not quite right for a necromancer, so I painted the staff dark (Vallejo Game Color Scorched Brown washed in VGC Black Wash), and where the leaves were obvious I tried to make them look like dead leaves. The crystal on the end is a sickly green.

Mary Idlewood - Halfling Necromancer

The mini was a joy to paint, there are lots of nice details, such the loaf of bread in the backpack, but not so many that I was overwhelmed with them. I'm pleased with the result, I hope the player will be too.


  1. a halfling necromancer, awesome.
    such a great race/class combo.
    i would of never thought of this ever.
    nice paint job also.

    1. Thanks. The player wanted to portray a more mature character than the norm.

  2. Great figure; is that the +2 Baguette of Smiting in her backpack?

  3. Thanks, Reapers' stuff is lovely and great to paint.
    Either a +2 Baguette or a Cottage loaf of Crushing

    1. Silly me, it's obviously Dwarven Battle Bread a la Discworld


Paint What You Got Challenge Completed

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