Tuesday, 12 April 2022

10mm 3D Printed Ruined House

I've finished another of the excellent ruined 'Arkenfell' buildings printed by telford3dprinting.  I chose this particular building as it comes in several parts which I thought could easily be used as smaller, separate ruins.

The whole ruin as one building
And another view
From above
One part, the half round section, is meant to be separate in any case.  The other towers and buildings look fine on their own.  Only the base is a bit odd without the upper levels, but this, I think, is due to the flat tops of the walls.  It would be easy to cut these so they looked properly ruined, though this would mean the upper sections would no longer fit.  It's good enough though, and certainly gives a good bit of table coverage.

The three sections as separate ruins
and another view of the sections
The base section, a little level where the upper sections rest
but good enough.

The painting was pretty much the same as the Ruined Tower here. Colour wise there's a bit more interest on this model from the wooden floors and the roof tiles.  

I have some small neodymium magnets which I will use to give the sections a bit more strength when used as a single ruin.

I really like this piece.  It goes in to my slowly growing 10mm LotR terrain collection.  I'll definitely get some more of these pieces, perhaps an in tact tower next?


  1. Excellent ruins, suit the LOTR theme really well.

    1. Thanks. I look forward to using them soon.

  2. I LIKE that! Great design and nicely painted.

    1. Thanks, they are a nice design aren't they. Check the company out, some very interesting stuff, including some undead type buildings.

  3. these came out nice! great job.
    just recently I've gotten into fantasy, so I'm on the lookout for some terrain such as ruins and such.

    1. Thanks. I'd normally build my own terrain (just try the terrain tag in the list to the right), but I'm not used to such a small scale and they look just right for Middle Earth (well, P. Jackson's view of it anyway).


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