Sunday, 29 July 2018

The War of the Crown

Yesterday T'Other One and I played a three battle mini campaign for Kings of War.  It was a gloriously fun day, played in a great spirit of friendly competition and good sportsmanship (plus its always a pleasure to play on his great looking terrain).

We came up with a brief storyline to thread through the three battles.  I'm sure we could  have included more conditions to reflect victory or defeat in prior battles, such as veteran rerolls (are they still a thing?) or deployment advantages.  I'm equally sure that wouldn't have made the day any more fun.

As there was quite a lot to say about the campaign, I'll split it into different AARs. To begin with, here's the background and campaign framework.

A KoW mini campaign in three parts.

Whispers across the land say that the fabled Black Iron Crown is part of a small horde of treasure recently unearthed by a simple farmer, breaking new land to try and scratch a living. Warlords of Mantica descend on the simple village of Oldsholme, eager to seize the Crown, increase the power of their magicks and further their quest for power…

Scenario 1 LOOT
500 points 4x4 foot table 3 loot counters

Scouting forces descend on Oldsholme. Hearing the groaning of the undead and smelling them long before setting eyes on their putrescent horror; the villagers of Oldshome have fled, leaving the opposing forces to battle and ransack the village, grabbing what treasure they can in the hope that the Black Iron Crown is amongst their loot.

Each loot counter is numbered. At end of battle a D3 is rolled and the number rolled is the loot counter that is the Black Iron Crown (CoK 2018 page 61), which can be used by its new owner in the next battle.

Scenario 2 INVADE
1000 points 4 x 4 foot table

Furious that their forces have failed to secure the Crown, a larger army is sent to invade enemy territory and take back the Crown. The holders of the Crown need to break through the enemy lines to regroup with their main force…

A straight up Invade scenario as per CoK 2018 page 69. If the army possessing the Crown wins, they get to keep it for use in the final battle. If the opposing force wins, they steal the Crown for their own masters.

The winner of this battle can use the Crown in the final battle.

Scenario 3: KILL
1500 points 6 x 4 ft table.

The opposing armies clash in one final bout of slaughter to determine who will finally wear the Crown

A straight up Kill scenario, as per page 85 of the hardback KoW rule book.

Campaign Victory Points

3 points for scenario victory (6 points for winning scenario 3)
2 Points for scenario draw
1 Points for a scenario defeat

To whet your appetite for the first AAR (found here), this is the battlefield set up for the Loot game.

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